Our Four Main Areas of Focus Are:

-Women Empowerment.
-Disabilities Rights and Empowerment.
-Climate Change and Land Rights.
-Institutional Development.

1. Women Empowerment
Enable women and girls to thrive in the community.

2. Disabilities Rights and Empowerment
Our mandate is
to advocate for the rights of
women, persons with
disabilities and girls in the
Endorois Community.
3. Climate Change and Land Rights
Promote Agro ecology for climate change resilience.

4. Institutional Development
Establishment of EIWEN organization that generate, allocate and use human and financial resources effectively to improve the quality of life of Indigenous women, girls, and People With Disabilities through Economic, Social, and Political Empowerment.

Who We Are
Endorois Indigenous Women Empowerment Network (EIWEN) is an indigenous local Community Based Organization registered in Kenya. As a women-led organization, our mandate is to advocate for the rights of women, persons with disabilities and girls in the Endorois Community.
Advocating for, and with PWDs.

Our culture, our heritage, our livelihoods, our values and our language. The Endorois People lived around Lake Bogoria from ancient time . It regarded Mochongoi Forest and Lake Bogoria as sacred grounds due to the use of these locations for key cultural and religious ceremonies.


Recent Events

Recent Events

Endorois Community -led Research Project Implementing committee inception and training meeting on loss and damage, developing the research tools, mapping and given the go ahead for the implementation of the project, inspected and spearheaded by EIWEN with support from the ESCR-net. The 2-day meeting took place at the organization’s main office at Lake Bogoria on 15th and 16th May 2024.

Recent Events

Book Launch, opening new office.
Office staff meeting held at EIWEN main office, Loboi Educational Center where we had our first meeting at the newly acquired office and later on toured on the progress of the office environment and sanitation led by our Executive Director and the Lake Bogoria management team.

Recent Events

Recent Events
Two-day training on capacity strengthening by EIWEN staff facilitated by Mr. Felix Lekurchalan and our Executive Director in attendance . Indigenous awareness training gives people the opportunity to learn and explore the rich, diverse culture and traditions of the Indigenous Peoples of Endorois.

Recent Events
Director EIWEN giving speech at the community Land Summit. Indigenous land rights are based on the identification of the historical and cultural connection of Indigenous peoples to their lands, territories and resources.

Recent Events
Strengthening the disability network for the rights of PWD’s within the ethnic minorities held at Sandai Resort , Kampi ya Samaki Baringo county. Building trust and relationships with partners.

Recent Events
EIWEN conducting trainings on land rights and resources, perspective of women in leadership and governance, and how there has been a barrier to women owning land and its use as well as the need for the community to have a community Bio-cultural protocol focusing on women issues within the Endorois community.

Recent Events
Nyalilbuch sub-location– Training them on land rights, community land ownership and use rights, determining and solving land conflicts, advocacy and build dialogue skills as well as discussing, debating and deliberating on land right issues.

Recent Events
Uplifting the living standards of Women, girls and persons living with disability on matters health, food security, and education at Sandai location.Education in these ares are necessary because There are more Persons with Disabilities living in rural than urban areas.

Recent Events
Community dialogue and advocacy meetings at Chebinyiny location, Baringo county. Our advocacy work is interwoven across Cultural Survival’s programs and is reflected in EIWEN support we provide to Endorois Indigenous People.

Recent Events
Eiwen executive director highlights possible recommendation on enhancing advocacy in pushing for implementation of the case. Amplifying grassroots movements to bring awareness and international pressure to their struggles while enhancing Endorois Indigenous People’s capacity.

Director EIWEN
Climate change and People with Disabilities talks about Kenya’s Endorois Indigenous community experiences on the wake of rising water levels in L.Bogoria, evictions, land loss and rapid desertification.

Director EIWEN (centre)
Pushing EIWEN agenda at international space through collaboration and negotiation. Christine was highlighting how climate change inappropriately affected indigenous peoples in Africa, Outlining specific challenges that indigenous women and people with disabilities go through.

EIWEN Visit to County Offices
Series of activities by EIWEN staff and board on county offices, Ministry of trade, industrialization and tourism as well as the Roads and public works on how well we can partner with the county government in the revitalization of Lake Bogoria and other resources to the community. Later met with the area MCA under his invite and a wide array of issues discussed.

Director EIWEN
EIWEN Director in a meeting with special rapporteur on the rights to indigenous religion and spiritualism. Where they were keen at good practices followed by Endorois Indigenous community that promote or enhance protection of Endorois beliefs and spiritualism.

Government Responsibility
The government is responsible for attainment of SDG 3 and 4 on Good health and well being and access to quality education especially to ethnic minorities. EIWEN is engaging the county govt of Baringo on service delivery in the two sectors within Endorois indigenous community.

EIWEN Petitioning Public Authorities
The CoK in article 37 and 119 gives a broader framework to any citizen a right to petition public authorities . Therefore, EIWEN together with the representatives from Endorois Indigenous Community presented a petition on Tuesday 15th February to the clerk of the Kenya National Assembly to demand for the additional resources and affirmative measures in Health and Education in the Endorois Community.

PWDs Forum
The forum for PWDs from indigenous/marginalized ethnic minorities was very successful.Serious resolutions on inclusion were made,media briefing issued.Details to follow. Thank you: @NGECKenya @IEBCKenya @MinorityRights @CDPOKConsortium @LJ_Avery & partners for the immense support.

Police Brutality
Cases of police brutality and killing of innocent Kenyans are on the rise in the country. EIWEN together with other grassroots Human Right Organization shared grievances on police brutality to Independent Policing Oversight Authority IPOA’s Chairperson madam Anne Makori.

Food Systems
Sustainable food systems assure surplus availability and supply of food to the family, and the community. Agro-ecology ensures that a community is able to use their available resources to have adequate food, and also conserve the environment.
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Latest From The Community
Eiwen Community Petition
Endorois Indigenous Women.
Endorois Indigenous Women Empowerment Network (EIWEN) is an indigenous local Community Based Organization registered in Kenya. As a women-led organization, our mandate is to advocate for the rights of women, persons with disabilities and girls in the Endorois Community.
P.O BOX 253-30403 Marigat.
Physical : Romsey House,Opposite Nabiq Petrol Station in in Kampi ya Moto,
Endorois Indigenous Women Empowerment Network (EIWEN).